How do these influencers/experts, agree to come on your podcast?

Roohi Kazi
4 min readFeb 13, 2021


Part 1:After posting an Instagram story recapping the episode recording I had with Josh Elledge I got a very good question from @intellectual_guy34 (Vikas) on How do these influencers/experts, agree to come up to your podcast?

Below I have summarized the discussion with Vikas and the exact template that I use, and how to implement this template as part of your podcast guest outreach strategy.

Exact Template I have been using for guest outreach for my podcast

Check out Casey’s powerful podcast guest template referenced above here:

  1. Create a Win-Win situation. For example, some guests are trying to get on as many podcasts as they can and increase their visibility and presence while others are trying to share their knowledge to new audiences.

2. As a podcast host try and craft a personalised, researched pitch that addresses the needs and objectives of the guest, experts.

3. Not all pitches are responded to, or accepted so try and keep the pitch, simple and straightforward.

4. Share as much information as you can on your podcast demographics, audience, etc of your podcast to prospective guests if requested during the episode recording or during outreach stage by the guest

4. Where to find guests, experts for your podcast?


LinkedIn or Instagram DM

FB Groups:

Podcast Guest Collaboration Community — Find a Guest, Be a Guest, Poddit — Podcast Guest Interviews, Podcast Guest Connection,

4. How to implement this pitch?

For example, Vikas for the last 6 Months has been running a podcast link here: self development, book reviews, etc. So I suggested to him that he can start implementing this template today, or in the next few months by doing the below steps:

1. Come up with a list of say 10–15 people in the same niche as your podcast.

2. Say motivational speakers, and self development coaches or any topic that you want guests for and start doing outreach using this template.

3. Outreach could include searching for and pitching to guests, experts on, FB Groups, LinkedIn or Instagram DM, etc.

Part 2: Explains Scheduling and Software, Follow up, and Relationship Building strategies with a personal example.

5. Scheduling Tool and Software: Calendly or manually asking the guest for a suitable time, and day for recording. And Zoom for recording with separate audio tracks for guest, and yourself.

6. Follow up + Build Relationship: Thank the guests for their time to come on your show, and sharing massive value with your audience.

  • For example: Wish your guests happy birthday, congratulate and share their stuff: new launch details etc without expectations. And as Josh Elledge recently shared in a podcast recording on my show stay tuned for details on the release be illogically generous with your time for your audience, and guests.
Example of past guest email

A personal example: Just recently ard 2 days ago I received an email from a past guest asking if I could add the link for his/ companies newest Wordpress plugin to the show notes of the episode I recorded with him. Not only will I be adding it to the show notes, but I will also add it to any social media post, etc where I have talked about the episode I recorded with him.

Here is the link for the WordPress plug-in if you are interested

Instagram/Social Links for people mentioned in this post:

Connect with Hans Van Gent on:

User Growth Website:

Hans Van Gent on LinkedIn

@jcvangent on Twitter

Here is the link for the newest WordPress plug-in created by Hans and his team at User Growth if you are interested to check it out:

Connect with Vikas Singh on:

Instagram: @intellectual_guy34

Vikas’s podcast:

Connect with Josh Elledge on:

Connect with Josh Felber on:

Connect with the host Roohi Kazi:


LinkedIn: Roohi Kazi

Visit this link for more listening options/platforms for the Business Podcast by Roohi, and next step groups:

Business Podcast by Roohi website:

Hope this helps! Please do share with other podcast hosts, etc if you found any value from the caption, and post.

How do you invite, and find guests for your podcast? Any strategies you can share?



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