2024 Year in Review

Roohi Kazi
2 min readDec 27, 2024


2024 was honestly a blur

Moved to Bangalore for a few months

Moved back home to Singapore

2025 is the year

We make more dream interviews happen for the podcast

And follow up, persist to make events, episodes happen

My big wins:

  1. Podcast Related
  2. More than 60 minutes of podcast content
  3. Messages, DM’s of support and love for the podcast
  4. Hosted some epic folks on Business Podcast by Roohi
  5. My first podcast episode as a guest went live
  6. Got invited for a few more podcasts as a guest
  7. Consistent Podcast Episodes and Updates
  8. Hosted my first event in Bangalore for the podcast
  • And multiple in person podcasts spanning 3 different countries
  1. Got responses from epic folks

10. Got my first grant to support the podcast, and work we are doing

Other wins:

  • Got to attend various events on AI, and different topics
  • Better mental state than most years
  • Started building The List Platform/ Website with Ron

Events Related

  1. Co Hosted a Walk and Talk
  2. Best mental state in years

My losses:

  1. Got rejected by many folks for a podcast
  2. Not in the best physical state

3. Got rejected by Emergent Ventures

These are the losses and wins I can remember from the top of my head


  1. Be shameless, and Ask for What You Want
  2. Build a strong support system- people who root for you and support you
  3. Let go off toxic people, people stunting your growth
  4. Move to a new city: Do something that completely shifts your environment

You will change your trajectory by surrounding yourself with cool and ambitious folks

  1. Start meeting new folks in your city
  2. Become someone that hosts things: mixers, meet ups, events, etc
  3. Take bold bets on yourself
  4. Surround yourself with ambition
  5. Build on the internet
  6. Power of compounding and leveraging the Internet
  7. Build assets for the future
  8. Try new things and constantly experiment with your content, angle
  9. Take more long shots



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